Терапия за гърди 3-в-1 THERA PEARL®

Новата Терапия за гърди 3-в-1 THERA PEARL® успокоява напрежението създадено от изпълнените с кърма гърди, помага срещу образуването на мастит и помага за по-лесно „потичане” на кърмата. Може да са използват топли или студени, с или без помпа.


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32,99 лв.

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  • Lansinoh® THERA°PEARL® 3-in-1 BREAST THERAPY encourages let-down and helps relieve the symptoms of engorgement and mastitis
  • Lansinoh® THERA°PEARL® 3-in-1 BREAST THERAPY encourages let-down and helps relieve the symptoms of engorgement and mastitis
  • Therapearl_Lifestyle_1
  • Lansinoh® THERA°PEARL® 3-in-1 BREAST THERAPY encourages let-down and helps relieve the symptoms of engorgement and mastitis
  • Therapearl_Lifestyle_1
  • Lansinoh® THERA°PEARL® 3-in-1 BREAST THERAPY encourages let-down and helps relieve the symptoms of engorgement and mastitis
  • Lansinoh® THERA°PEARL® 3-in-1 BREAST THERAPY encourages let-down and helps relieve the symptoms of engorgement and mastitis
  • Therapearl_Lifestyle_1
  • Lansinoh® THERA°PEARL® 3-in-1 BREAST THERAPY encourages let-down and helps relieve the symptoms of engorgement and mastitis
  • Lansinoh® THERA°PEARL® 3-in-1 BREAST THERAPY encourages let-down and helps relieve the symptoms of engorgement and mastitis
  • Therapearl_Lifestyle_1

Лансинох Видео

  • Вижте новото 360° видео на TheraPearl 3-in-1 Топла и Студена Терапия.

  • Гледайте продуктовия видео клип на TheraPearl 3-in-1 Breast Therapy, която може да се използва както топла, така и студена, за да облекчите дискомфорта при запушени канали или мастит както и да увеличите потокът на кърма.

  • Това кратко видео демонстрира как да използвте Lansinoh TheraPearl 3-in-1 Breast Therapy.

  • Вижте новото 360° видео на TheraPearl 3-in-1 Топла и Студена Терапия.

  • Гледайте продуктовия видео клип на TheraPearl 3-in-1 Breast Therapy, която може да се използва както топла, така и студена, за да облекчите дискомфорта при запушени канали или мастит както и да увеличите потокът на кърма.

  • Това кратко видео демонстрира как да използвте Lansinoh TheraPearl 3-in-1 Breast Therapy.

  • Вижте новото 360° видео на TheraPearl 3-in-1 Топла и Студена Терапия.

  • Характериситка
  • Подробно описание
  • Съдържание
  • Нужда от Помощ?
  • Често задавани въпроси
  • Храктеристика на Продукта:

    • Помага срещу образуването на мастит
    • При употреба с помпа, помагат за по-лесно потичане и по-бързо изпомпване на кърмата
    •  360° покритие и успокояване на гърдите
    • Може да се използват без помпа или с ръчна или електрическа помпа
    • Може да се затоплят в микровълнова фурна
    • Подходящи за всички размери гърди
    • Гъвкави, дори когато са замразени
    • Не съдържат бисфенол-А, BPS, латекс, токсини и олово.
    • За многократна употреба
  • Подробно описание:



    Новата Терапия за гърди 3-в-1 THERA PEARL® помага за успокоение на напрежението създадено от изпълнените с кърма гърди,  помага срещу образуването на мастит и помага за по-лесно „потичане” на кърмата. Може да са използват топли или студени, с или без помпа.

    ТОПЛИ: Успокояват напълнилите се с кърма гърди, предпазват от запушване на млечните канали и образуването на мастит, и спомагат за по-лесно потичане и изпомпване на кърмата. Поставете подплънките THERAPEARL в предоставените калъфчета и стоплете в микровълнова фурна за 15 секунди. Ако смятате за нужно бихте могли да затоплите за още 5 секунди.

    СТУДЕНИ: Помагат за успокоение на болката и подуването свързана с бързото изпълване на гърдите с кърма. Замразете най-малко за 2 часа, поставете в предоставените калъфчета и поставете на гърдите.

    Състав: Супер абсорбиращ полимер, глицерин и вода

    BPA Free – Не съдържат бисфенол-А, латекс, токсини и олово.


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  • Съдържание:

    • 2 броя терапия за гърди
    • 2 броя калъфчета
  • Ако имате нужда от помощ с този конкретен продукт, моля, кликнете на линка по-долу:

    Връзка с нас
    • What should I do if I keep using my Lansinoh® THERA°PEARL® 3-in-1 BREAST THERAPY but the pain won’t go away?

      If your symptoms persist, you have a fever or are feeling unwell, or you are experiencing extreme, prolonged or chronic pain, contact a healthcare professional.
    • How long will the Lansinoh® THERA°PEARL® 3-in-1 BREAST THERAPY stay hot or cold?

      Lansinoh THERA°PEARL® 3-in-1 BREAST THERAPY packs should only be used for 20 minutes at one time. If you plan to re-apply the product, be sure to take a 20 minute break between uses. Consult your healthcare professional if you are unsure about what will work best for you.
    • What happens if I heat my Lansinoh® THERA°PEARL® 3-in-1 BREAST THERAPY for too long?

      Overheating or prolonged application may cause injury. Heating beyond the suggested time may also damage your Lansinoh® THERA°PEARL® 3-in-1 BREAST THERAPY. It is normal for the packs to expand a little when heated for the recommended time. If you accidentally heat your Lansinoh® THERA°PEARL® 3-in-1 BREAST THERAPY beyond the recommended time and see it inflating like a balloon, immediately turn off your microwave, wait for the pack to cool down, and then carefully dispose of your pack. When in doubt, or if your pack shows any signs of deforming, dispose of your pack - a pack that has been overheated should never be reused.
    • Do I have to freeze my Lansinoh® THERA°PEARL® 3-in-1 BREAST THERAPY for 2 hours prior to using for cold therapy?

      You can leave your pack in the freezer indefinitely, or just chill it for a short period of time. Some of our customers are looking for "cool" rather than very cold so they store their packs in the refrigerator.
    • Can I take my Lansinoh® THERA°PEARL® 3-in-1 BREAST THERAPY straight from the freezer and heat in the microwave?

      Lansinoh® THERA°PEARL® 3-in-1 BREAST THERAPY can go straight from the freezer and be heated in the microwave, however, be very careful not to overheat your pack. Test the pack temperature prior to application, as overheating may cause injury or may damage your Lansinoh THERA°PEARL® 3-in-1 BREAST THERAPY.
    • Is Lansinoh® THERA°PEARL® 3-in-1 BREAST THERAPY reusable?

      Lansinoh® THERA°PEARL® packs are reusable and your pack will last longer if you treat it well. Overheating beyond the suggested time may damage your Lansinoh® THERA°PEARL® 3-in-1 BREAST THERAPY.
    • Can I fall asleep with a Lansinoh® THERA°PEARL® 3-in-1 BREAST THERAPY pack on?

      No. Lansinoh® THERA°PEARL® 3-in-1 BREAST THERAPY should only be used for 20 minutes at one time. We do not recommend you fall asleep with a heated or chilled pack applied.
    • Can I use Lansinoh® THERA°PEARL® 3-in-1 BREAST THERAPY at the same time as when my baby is feeding?

      It would be difficult to use Lansinoh® THERA°PEARL® 3-in-1 BREAST THERAPY while your baby is breastfeeding because it would limit her access to properly latch on. We recommend using the Lansinoh® THERA°PEARL® 3-in-1 BREAST THERAPY before and/or after breastfeeding or with your breast pump to aid with let-down.
    • Can I use my Lansinoh® THERA°PEARL® 3-in-1 BREAST THERAPY if I am pregnant?

      We recommend that you consult a healthcare professional if Lansinoh® THERA°PEARL® 3-in-1 BREAST THERAPY is an appropriate product for you and your specific situation.
    • Can I use my Lansinoh® THERA°PEARL® 3-in-1 BREAST THERAPY later for my child as a teething ring?

      Lansinoh® THERA°PEARL® 3-in 1 BREAST THERAPY should not be used as a remedy for teething or as a teething ring.
    • Is it okay to use a Lansinoh® THERA°PEARL® 3-in-1 BREAST THERAPY pack on open wounds?

      No. Lansinoh® THERA°PEARL® 3-in-1 BREAST THERAPY packs are not designed to be used on open wounds.
    • Are the pearl beads inside Lansinoh® THERA°PEARL® 3-in-1 BREAST THERAPY non-toxic? What are they made of?

      The beads in the Lansinoh® THERA°PEARL® 3-in 1 BREAST THERAPY packs are non-toxic and are made from a super absorbent polymer.
    • Is Lansinoh® THERA°PEARL® 3-in-1 BREAST THERAPY BPA and Phthalate-Free?

      Lansinoh® THERA°PEARL® 3-in-1 BREAST THERAPY is BPA and Phthalate-Free.
    • Does Lansinoh® THERA°PEARL® 3-in-1 BREAST THERAPY contain latex?

      Lansinoh® THERA°PEARL® 3-in-1 BREAST THERAPY does not contain latex.
    • How do I clean my Lansinoh® THERA°PEARL® 3-in-1 BREAST THERAPY?

      You may clean your Lansinoh® THERA°PEARL® 3-in-1 BREAST THERAPY gently with a mild soap, alcohol, or detergent and let stand for 1 minute.
    • I’ve used my Lansinoh® THERA°PEARL® 3-in-1 BREAST THERAPY for a while and the pearls are starting to break down

      The pearls will start to break down with usage. This is perfectly normal, and your Lansinoh® THERA°PEARL® will still work even after all the pearls have broken down.
    • How do I know when it’s time to dispose of my Lansinoh® THERA°PEARL® 3-in-1 BREAST THERAPY?

      You should discard your pack if it is punctured or pierced.

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