Комплект Шишета с биберон NaturalWave®

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  • 1 х 160 мл (биберон 0+)
  • 1 х 240 мл (биберон 3+)
  • 1 х биберон 6+
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34,99 лв.

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Лансинох Видео

  • Discover how our Feeding Bottle with NaturalWave® Teat has been designed to encourage babies to use the same sucking motion as at the breast.

  • View this video to find out the best ways to clean the Lanisnoh Breastmilk Feeding Bottle with NaturalWave® Teat.

  • View our Breastmilk Feeding Bottle in a 360° video, showing both 160ml and 240ml sizes.

  • View our Breastmilk Feeding Bottle in a 360° video, showing our 160ml bottle.

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  • Храктеристика на Продукта:

    • Не съдържаt Бисфенол-А и BPS
    • Клинично е доказано, че биберона NaturalWave® поддържа кърменето и допринася за правилно захапване
    • Езика на бебето започва да се движи вълнообразно, притискайки зърното, и по този начин извличайки кърмата от гърдата
    • Биберонът пропуска течност според всмукването на бебето, то само определя и контролира количеството
    • Мек и еластичен 100% силиконов биберон – позволява естествено движение на езика на бебето
    • Изпъкнала ивица – укрепва стените на биберона. Не позволява на стените да прилепнат по време на хранене
    • Позволява естествено гладко перисталтично движение на езика на бебето
    • В основата биберона е с леко грапава повърхност. Това позволява устните на бебето да се движат свободно по повърхността на биберона.
    • AVS клапа – позволява на въздуха да влиза в шишето и предпазва бебето от газове и колики
    • Лесно за сглобяване и почистване
    • Съвместимо с всички помпи, шишета и биберони Lansinoh
  • Подробно описание:



    Шише със физиологичен силиконов биберон NaturalWave®.

    Силиконовият биберон NaturalWave® е перфектния избор за бебета които се хранят от гърда и шише.

    • за улеснение на бебето биберона NaturalWave® предлага грапав пръстен и широка основа доближавайки се по усещане до това на гърдата.
    • клинично е доказано, че биберона NaturalWave® поддържа кърменето и допринася за правилно захапване от страна на бебето.
    • AVS клапа – позволява на въздуха да влиза в шишето и предпазве бебето от газове и колики.

    Препоръчва се да кърмите поне първите 6 месеца от живота на бебето – това ще даде най-доброто начало в живота на Вашето бебе.


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  • Съдържание:

    • 1 х 160 мл (биберон 1+)
    • 1 х 240 мл (биберон 3+)
    • 1 х биберон 6+
  • Ако имате нужда от помощ с този конкретен продукт, моля, кликнете на линка по-долу:

    Връзка с нас Изтеглете Ръководство за Употреба
    • What are the Lansinoh mOmma Bottles and NaturalWaveTM teats made of?

      The bottle, collar and cover are made of polypropylene (PP) plastic which is chemical-free, additive free as well as BPA and BPS free. The NaturalWaveTM Teats are made of 100% silicone, which is also BPA and BPS free.
    • What is BPA and BPS and why should I choose a bottle which does not contain these?

      Because safety is a top priority for Lansinoh we have taken proactive measures to ensure the Lansinoh® mOmma® Bottles and Teats are both BPA and BPS FREE. BPA or bisphenol-A is a chemical used primarily in the production of polycarbonate plastics and acts as an estrogen imposter, being widely known as a hormone disrupter. Studies have linked BPA to cancer, depression, type 2 diabetes, heart disease and a number of other ailments. BPA can be especially dangerous in pregnancy, infancy and childhood – so much so that many governments around the world have banned BPA in the production of baby bottles and other products. BPS or bisphenol S is an alternative to BPA used by some manufacturers as a plasticiser to replace BPA.  BPS is also a hormone disrupter and is considered to be equally unsafe, however this is currently allowed for the production of baby bottles and similar products.
    • What makes the Lansinoh® mOmma® bottle different from other bottles?

      The Lansinoh® mOmma® bottle is part of the new Lansinoh Pump-Store-Feed solution, enabling mums to express, store and feed using the same bottle. The bottle is compatible with Lansinoh’s 3 breast pumps: Manual Breast Pump, Single Electric Breast Pump and 2in1 Electric Breast Pump. For convenience, the bottle is compatible with the NaturalWave™ Teat, which was specially designed to help mums switch easily between breast and bottle with the reassurance that the baby will go back to the breast when they are back together. Mums can also use the bottle to store their breastmilk. The wide-neck bottles are especially easy to clean. They also come with the NaturalWave™ Teat which promotes the baby’s ‘wave-like’ tongue movement for natural oral development, enabling a seamless transition between breast and bottle.
    • What is the Air Ventilation System® (AVS)?

      The Air Ventilation System® reduces the intake of air which lessens gas and the symptoms commonly associated with colic and fussiness.
    • How many flow rates do the NaturalWaveTM Teats come in?

      The Lansinoh® mOmma® NaturalWave™ Teats come in slow, medium and fast flow depending on your baby’s needs. Babies’ flow preferences often have to do with the way they feed at the breast. We know all babies and their preferences are different, so we offer three choices because one flow type does not work for all babies.
    • I have slow, medium and fast teats – is there a way to tell them apart?

      On the bottom rim of the teat, the slow-flow teat reads “Size 2S”, the medium-flow reads “Size 3M” and the fast-flow reads “Size 4L”.
    • Can I use a teat brush to clean the teat?

      You can use a teat brush to clean the NaturalWave™ Teat if necessary - it is important to be gentle and not poke the brush through the hole; it is very small and this can compromise the silicone. You can also soak teats in warm soapy water, rinse and air dry, or place in top rack of the dishwasher.
    • Are Lansinoh® mOmma® Bottles & Teats dishwasher safe?

      This sometimes happens if your breastmilk is high in lipase, the enzyme that breaks down fat in the milk.  Depending upon the levels of lipase, you may also notice this smell after you have cooled your milk in the fridge.  It is still safe for your baby, but if you are concerned, you can scald your milk to deactivate the lipase before storing.  Heat the milk until small bubbles form around the edge of the pan (but not to boiling point) and then quickly cool and freeze it.  However, once your milk has been frozen and acquired this smell, scalding will not help.
    • Can I sterilise Lansinoh® mOmma® bottles and teats in boiling water?

      The Lansinoh® mOmma® Bottles and NaturalWave™ Teats can be sterilised by boiling in water for five minutes. Please be sure that there is enough water in the pan and that the different parts are floating and not touching the bottom or the sides of the pan as this could cause them to melt.
    • When heating in a microwave should the top with the teat be screwed on?

      We DO NOT recommend heating breastmilk or any liquid for a baby or toddler in a microwave because the microwave can create hot spots and damage breastmilk nutrients. We do NOT recommend heating the bottle in the Microwave in any form.
    • Do you only have a wide neck teat?

      The NaturalWave™® Teat is a wide neck teat. It enables baby to have a wide latch similar to how a baby would latch on to the breast with a wide open mouth.
    • Can the Lansinoh® mOmma® NaturalWave™ Teat be used with other bottles?

      The Lansinoh® mOmma® NaturalWave™ Teat is designed for Lansinoh® mOmma® bottles and will not fit on other wide-sized bottles. We do not recommend using our nipple with any other bottle because we have not done testing on other company’s bottles with our teat.
    • How often should I replace the NaturalWave™ Teat?

      We suggest inspecting the teat for wear/tear daily, and recommend changing the teat every 7 weeks. If you notice the silicone is torn or compromised in any other way, we recommend discarding it. We also recommend not leaving the teat in direct sunlight, heat or leaving in disinfectant (“sterilizing solution”) for longer than recommended per the instructions as this may weaken the teat.
    • Where can I buy the Lansinoh® mOmma® Bottle with NaturalWave™ Teat?

      The Lansinoh® mOmma® Bottles and Teats are currently available both in store and online at Mothercare, BabiesRUs, John Lewis and Amazon.
    • When should I introduce a bottle?

      Exclusive breastfeeding is recommended for the first six months of baby’s life and in combination with other foods up to the age of two. It is recommended that you get breastfeeding well established in the first six weeks and after that you consider introducing a bottle to feed your expressed breastmilk.
    • Are the Lansinoh® mOmma® Bottles compatible with the rest of the Lansinoh range?

      All 3 of our bottles are compatible with our manual and electric breast pumps, enabling you to express, then store your breastmilk using the sealing disc provided and feed baby simply by attaching the NaturalWave™ Teat to the same bottle.
  • MumsNet Best 2015

    Loved By Parents Award – Silver for Best Product For Breastfeeding 2015

    National Parenting Product Awards – Gold for Best Product For Breastfeeding

    Prima Baby – Gold for Hero Health Product For Mums

    Parent Tested, Parent Approved Winner

    Mother & Baby Awards – Gold for Best Product for Breastfeeding 2016

    Mother & Baby Awards – Gold for Best New Mum Maternity / Skincare Product 2016

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